The FREE Money School Choice Trap

The FREE Money School Choice Trap

Published March 6, 2024

An active attempt for more government control, paid for by you, the taxpayers. 

By- Kathleen Christine 

It's hard to ignore the obvious signs that enemies of the American way of life have been successful in infiltrating the control of our federal government departments. Enemies of state sovereignty have infiltrated local political organizations too. There is an active battle of good versus evil playing out everywhere you turn.  This is apparent in the constant attempts to create and transform current policy dictates.  

Across the nation, state capitals are currently swimming with sharks where the main breed of shark present are well funded and vested special interest lobbyists and activists. These lobbyists/activists (often hired by nonprofit entities) all have a creative and somewhat convincing sob story to tell, that consists of cherry-picked data.  These elaborated and made up stories are a key tool used to persuasively convince and con our elected legislators into passing garbage state reform plans that often require the public to adopt programming products that the lobbyists’/activists' nonprofit's offer, into becoming mandated laws.  

So, with that being said, why would any sane human-being, be in support of the expansion of the government’s overreach of control into the private and independent education sector?  This move is actively being attempted in the expressed expansion of the less than 1 year old pilot program (that hasn't even begun yet) to the Education Scholarship Trust Fund (ESTF).  Advocates for the fund have openly and repeatedly acknowledged the state is failing the kids in public schools, hence the creation of the picture that was imagined and sold last year for the need to create,  initiate and fund the Education Scholarship Trust Fund (ESTF).  Instead of encouraging state stakeholders to utilize the public’s entitlement educational programming institution, the message portrayed to WE THE PEOPLE is that the "solution" to the failing public school system is to fund students in the religious and independent homeschool education sectors, while simultaneously still funding the public’s ever expanding, education system.  As a result of the public schools floundering and the indoctrination of today's youth, the "solution" the General Assembly wants us to believe is that we should fund scholarships for student’s tuition bills so the state will be able to flood the demands for the private and independent education sector with the control of the public tax dollar.

The overflow of public money will indeed cause the costs for private and homeschool to increase exponentially for everyone, including you the taxpayer.  This statement can be validly made because the public has already witnessed this procedural practice play out at the university and college levels around the nation when the fed (and nonprofit organizations) jumped in and decided it would be a good idea to hand out student loans and grants to everyone and anyone.  Look where that got this country today.  College students with incomplete degrees and countless graduates with ridiculous and impractical degrees.  Many high school graduates were convinced they needed to go to college or they would become the deadbeats of society.  The universities and colleges that accepted the vested and government loans/grants or simply just took a families hard earned savings, were requiring their accepted students to take elective courses that pumped them with destructive socialist and Marxist ideological frameworks, and all that entails.  The main intent of these required courses were to seed hate and national discontentment amongst the countries youth.  A large handful of those successfully indoctrinated students emerged into society as social activists, and some developed into being paid legislative lobbyists.  Many of these young adult students left their indoctrinating universities with ridiculous and unworthy degrees, filled with coerced morally destructive ideals and in massive amounts of debt. With no real skills, and no jobs in sight, graduates were unable to independently support themselves  both financially and emotionally, mostly contributed to their very expensive and useless college degrees they pursued when they were forcefully indoctrinated by higher educational institutions. To clarify,  this is NOT saying that ALL colleges and universities are bad and full of evil wrong doings, but if you’ve been paying attention to some of the recent headline stories being broadcasted about DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging) practices in higher education,  I’m sure you’re following the point being made here. 

(On a side note, if none of the last few sentences you’ve just read are ringing a bell in your head, please understand to take this as a sign that you have NOT been paying attention to the takeover of the educational institutions by evil forces.  You are either awake at this point, or you’re not.)

Recently, the discussion and attempts to wipe out student debts have been very controversial.  We all know that the taxpayers will be responsible for picking up the burden of paying off those school choice debts, because if the government says that something is “free", or that your debts will be abolished, it just means the costs get pushed onto the taxpayers of the land, not the individual who was responsible for initiating and agreeing to create their own debt.

"FREE" money.  Where does it come from?

Surely it doesn't grow on trees, but we all know we should expect yet another tax dollar demand to fund this bill for all these newly founded private scholarship endeavors. Last year, the current General Assembly has forcibly sourced this fund because the state has failed the public education sector by enforcing a ton of the southeast Regional Educational Laboratory's (REL) federal data collecting programming endeavors into the schools.  Let us also not forget the penny taxes that are becoming a steadily growing practice across the state, created to supplement our already mandated tax dollar support for the exploding numbers of federal programming model costs, that are increasingly being defined and codified into Title -59 (South Carolina’s education laws).  Again, to be clear and intentionally repetitive, the state department of education is advocating to have students privately educated in an independent education system, along with demanding the harvesting of the kids data via testing requirements and handing it ALL off to the fed, so they may propagate some more cherry-picked “evidence-based" studies to effectively and repeatedly force continous education policy reforms for the foreseeable future.

How many of you reading this have taken notice of how many of our elected officials and legislators are tied to education?  

Many of the officials in charge of delegating our tax dollars, have their personal businesses profiting off of the passing of these lobbied bills that get forced into state law. If the law mandates a service or product, the state must provide (aka the taxpayer must pay for the funding of the mandated services that exist in state law).  The nonprofits the lobbyists advocated for, have found a way to forever source their incomes from taxpayer dollars.  Any time a law is created to benefit a nonprofit's organizational outreach product endeavors, employees and representatives of these organizations and associations have managed to source an indefinite reach into the solidified funding of their personal bank  accounts, via the laws’ requirements for the nonprofit’s provided educational services to be administered to the public, under the guise of education reform.

The state is admittingly saying, no longer is a public school education suitable enough for ALL parents to send their kids to. If the state truly believed in their programming products and was confident in servicing students effectively with productive and meaningful educational outreach,  they wouldn’t  be actively engaging in trying to gain the control of the private and independent education sector, in addition to their already owned public programming. 

*Public and charter schools are paid for by tax dollars. 

*The ESTF is also funded by public tax dollars. 

So, in summary, the "solution" being pitched by the General Assembly to address the state's inefficient and inadequate ability to support students statewide, is to raise our tax mandates in order to pay for students to pursue independent schooling alternatives, and they want WE THE PEOPLE to allow them to control our money in doing so.

The ESTF tax burden increase will be in addition to having our tax dollars solicited to rewrite the state's math standards.  The new standards will REDUCE the current state math standards by 35%.  The General Assembly wants us to fund private school scholarships while they actively are dumbing down the state’s educational requirements. 

The lowering of educational standards is an active practice of “equity".

Equity means equal outcome for all!!

If WE THE PEOPLE were smart and proactive against the feds propaganda agenda, as the constituents of South Carolina, we would all be screaming, NO THANK YOU!!

This is a lose-lose situation for everyone, because the state’s plan to their failed system is to put the state in control of the money that will corrupt the independent sector,  opening the private sector up to the state’s control of how the money can be used and what the money must be used for.  And the kicker to it all is the following.  

The blindly-trusted members of the General Assembly are trying to convince WE THE PEOPLE it’s a great idea for the state department of education to be in control of the flow of the increased tax burden. The ESTF programming tool is the introduction of the solidification of corruption that’s about to fully infiltrate all parents’ last line of defense in protecting their children from the forced installation of ideological frameworks in the k-12 private/religious schools, and the  homeschooling families too! 

The state is actively trying to con us with their sob stories of terrible school programming choices, to use our empathy against WE THE PEOPLE in order to convince us to give our consent to allow the government to infiltrate the independent education sector, with our own tax dollars.

Should WE THE PEOPLE  allow the failed state system (who has already destroyed the public schools) to control the money that flows into the independent education sector too?

If we understand the problem is the state's  run public schools, then the solution to this problem is to STOP funding the state's broken and failing public system.

But NOOOO...

Instead, the state is pushing to give failed leadership MORE money to allow their devious influences to expand into the private sector.

So, with all that being said, ask yourself this question.

What could go wrong with the General Assembly’s solution to this problem?

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