Championing Quality Over Quantity: The True Role of South Carolina's Legislators

Published Aug 22, 2023

In the heart of South Carolina, a traditional conservative holds certain beliefs close to their chest: the reduction of bureaucracy, tax cuts, the safeguarding of individual rights, and the promotion of free markets. These are the cornerstone values, built on the solid bedrock of maintaining stability and championing slow, considered change. So, let's pause for a moment. Instead of applauding legislators who actively push for the enactment of numerous laws, let's celebrate the legislator who takes a step back, evaluates the broader landscape, and kills bills that don't align with these principles.

Why, you might ask?

Every law enacted carries with it an expansion of what is termed the 'police power of the state'. This phrase doesn't refer to law enforcement officers in uniform; rather, it's the inherent power of a state to regulate behaviors and enforce order for the betterment of the health, safety, and general welfare of its citizens. While this power is essential, it's like a muscle – overexertion can lead to strains, often placing undue burdens on our individual rights.

Do we, as proud South Carolinians, want our state to become one where every aspect of our lives, every decision we make, is under the scrutinizing eye of an ever-growing government? The continuous addition of laws, regardless of their intent, risks such an overreach. And, crucially, are these laws genuinely benefiting us, or are they the result of hurried decisions, political trade-offs, or even, in some regrettable cases, negligence?

There's a troubling trend in our legislative process: the act of legislators not fully reading or understanding the bills they endorse. You might remember when a complex bill, spanning over fifty pages, made it to the floor and was rushed into law. How many of our elected officials truly understood every clause, every nuance? And if they didn't, how can they predict the unintended consequences such legislation might birth?

It's time we ask ourselves: Do we value the quality or quantity of laws? Just because a legislator is prolific in drafting bills doesn't mean each of those proposed laws serves our best interests. Similarly, while a multi-page bill might look impressive, what lies buried in its depths? Might there be provisions that don't serve our community's needs or, worse, contradict the very values we hold dear?

Consider this – a well-intentioned law aiming to protect local businesses could, in its intricacies, inadvertently burden them with more regulations or taxes. Or, imagine a bill that claims to champion individual rights, but hidden within its clauses, curtails certain freedoms.

Isn't it better, then, to have legislators who are circumspect? Who, instead of adding to the ever-increasing mound of statutes, focus on enacting or supporting bills that directly align with our core beliefs?

In South Carolina, we have a rich tradition of upholding values that prioritize the individual and the community. Embracing slow, meaningful change ensures that our state remains true to its essence while progressing forward.

So, the next time a legislator speaks of the myriad of bills they've introduced or supported, let's ask them about the quality and potential impact of those bills. Let's ensure they've read and understood each line, each provision. Let's ensure that our state's police power is wielded judiciously, and not merely expanded for the sake of it.

To our legislators: we respect and appreciate your hard work. But we urge you to remember – it's not about the number of laws you pass, but the positive, lasting impact of each one.

In the end, let's celebrate the legislator who stands as the guardian of our values, who recognizes that the strength of South Carolina lies not in the quantity of laws, but in the unwavering commitment to its people and principles.

It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood. By James Madison
