S2 A Very Dangerous Bad Bill: Part 1: The Hidden Agenda

S2 A Very Dangerous Bad Bill: Part 1: The Hidden Agenda

Published January 20, 2025

The dangers of S2 cannot be overstated, as will be explained below. In this bill not only is another gargantuan state office established with multiple components, it is given extraordinary power and overreach, overriding personal freedom and individual autonomy. Hidden in the latter half of this lengthy bill, its real purpose is stated in detail. This expansion of the police power of the state should frighten every resident of South Carolina. S2 creates a framework for an agency with life-and-death powers, particularly in an “emergency.”

In the first ten or eleven pages of S2 the “Executive Office of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities” is established with detailed descriptions of additional offices, scope of its coverage, its composition, personnel, duties and resources for those who fall within its realm of influence, services, and eligibility, actually everyone. Some of this is already codified as law, but, like much legislation, this bill expands the power and overreach of government. In addition, the state agrees to comply with federal law, renouncing its own sovereignty and freedom to oppose or modify federal edicts if necessary.

Further clarification of the above comments will be undertaken in Part 2. In this part the priority will be the most dangerous component of this bill, introduced in SECTION 16. It is essential that people become aware of the dangers this bill presents, buried behind pages of procedural and distracting legal definitions and descriptions. Please read at least part of it, starting by SECTION 20 if the length of the entire bill is daunting.

Starting at SECTION 16 the direction of this bill changes dramatically. At this point the bill begins to address “emergency” responses. It amends SC Code Section 25-1-440(a)(i), which already reads “…declare a state of emergency….” Many of us have been conditioned to accept this legal step and even may think we should appreciate the government’s awareness and readiness to protect the residents of our state. However, the scope of the powers codified in S2 is chilling. What the state will really do needs to be exposed.

It is time to be blunt. This bill provides a blueprint, possibly adapted from or a modification of UN and globalist documents, for tyranny over both medical and psychological spheres. That is, this document complies closely with global and UN templates for creating an easy takeover, at globalists’ request or the will or other government elected or non-elected persons, of the activities and inhabitants of any area. The declaration of a medical emergency in particular, for which the public has been both subtly and overtly prepped for years now, will be enabled under this law to have implacable power.

The powers assumed by government under this bill read like a totalitarian, tyrannical blueprint for a top-down ministry of control that can easily be adapted for political or other purposes using a real or sufficiently effective reason for an “emergency” declaration. Without such laws, there might be dialogue, investigation, loopholes or details that could allow people to make their own choices. How much of those activities will be conducted is unknown. Not much is the likely answer.

In addition, this bill could become the “gold standard” for treatment and options for responding to any perceived threat, so that there will eventually be no alternatives to government mandates, even if arbitrary and unwarranted. This may already be inevitable because of the widespread and undeserved trust in and convenience of government offerings (and the perceived idea that they are “free”). Other options that may be still in existence at the time of the enactment of this law will be shut down, as many have already been. This is not all happening by accident or benevolent intent.

What this bill does not include with any clarity are safeguards to make sure that the “emergency” identified is real, what steps will be taken to ensure its validity, and the justification and documentation required for implementing draconian responses. Nonetheless, the responses are clear. However, there is comparatively little or no clarification of a stringent process for determining the motives for, investigation of, or otherwise questioning of any source of the alarm and the information given to trigger the “emergency” response. Apparently we, the people, are to trust our leaders and assume they are taking the right direction, even with this most extreme response paradigm.

The “emergency” that is going to arise seems to already be pretty well defined, with little room for another, perhaps more gradual or prudent response, or any kind of deviation by any of the subjects, i.e. populace, once the alarm is sounded. All rights, responsibilities, choices or freedoms of any person to protect himself as he chooses from the terror of the authoritarian state or the dangers claimed by the authorities are erased in this bill.

A few examples. This bill does not appear to allow any options for anyone to avoid, without serious consequences, vaccination (which kills many people itself), isolation (a form of torture), quarantine (involuntary and often unnecessary incarceration), testing or examinations if ordered, and/or loss of freedom of travel and movement, or options for treatment because of a real, imagined, or overblown “emergency.” This whole “emergency” concept has been running rampant and is solidified in too many people’s minds. Fear has already been created and the people are ripe for exploitation, particularly since the Covid debacle. Most people apparently will readily accept any promised safety measures presented as effective or safe—even if actually neither. This is the dream of the police state.

This bill indicates that the law will not allow for anyone to avoid vaccination, isolation, or quarantine, giving the government extraordinary license to isolate individuals and groups and force compliance.

Even sheriffs, who are supposed to swear and oath to follow ONLY constitutional orders are specifically named as persons who “may” enforce these commands. That places all people at risk that their local sheriff will turn against his own constituents based on his interpretation of “public safety” in response to the creation of a situation requiring a dictatorial response. It may be unlikely that even many sheriffs will oppose the police power of the state.

Section 15, a quick read, endangers the freedoms of every citizen, including assembly, speech, health and well-being, all under the guise of what powerful rulers may accomplish through a “state of emergency.” Make no mistake, our elected, and even unelected, officials rule us, not the other way around.

Let’s face it. For those who are willing to consider the bigger picture, this bill sounds like a blueprint for the advancing global plan to create systems within countries (or states here because of the US system of governance) to carry out a tyrannical agenda for global control and perhaps even more sinister goals. If this wasn’t taken directly from a globalist template, it is certainly modeled on something that might have been designed specifically for the benefit of those who have an insatiable drive for power. This bill is not protecting the sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. It simply establishes one more mechanism for easy control of all of us by utilizing hierarchies we create ourselves. We can’t do this to ourselves. This bill MUST be stopped

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