As already discussed, this bill is an ideal platform for a total state takeover of life in this state upon the identification and dissemination of someone’s definition of an “emergency.” This bill should also be stopped because of what it creates in the growth of the size, scope and power of government and the threats to our freedom and even our lives.
S2 concentrates power in one director (potential dictator?) and several powerful minions under his direct “pleasure,” risking a monolithic power hierarchy that has devastating “comprehensive" influence over the life of every citizen. This means a plethora of petty tyrants under a dictator with inestimable power.
The structure of the Department for Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (two very different categories) allows for the possibility of directed assaults on the privacy and freedoms of those who may have different habits or perspectives than whatever may be considered allowable by the those with the power of this law behind them. In other words, what might be the potential for abuse of any citizen by this agency?
The Office of Mental Health is even more frightening. If continued at all, this office should be clearly defined and its scope, powers, and use severely limited and delineated to avoid future abuse of citizens who may not conform to future definitions of “mental health.” Safeguards are needed, particularly in case of a change to state rulers who might take advantage of the opportunities offered by this legislation. It is not without historical precedent, even in the United States, that “mental health” and intellectual deficiency have been used for barbaric purposes. The departments listed in S2, under the control of a complex and somewhat autonomous agency could create danger to innocent people for reasons not yet overtly included in the law. The only answer is to not give our government what it doesn’t have the right to assume. There are options being eliminated by legislation such as this.
Vocabulary used in this document confirms its power and ideological bent. It is designed to have a “‘comprehensive’ service plan.” [section 44-12-40 (2)]. The “glories” of “consolidation” are ordered, which lead to more areas of control under fewer heads, giving one or few people incredible power. Not enough citizens recognize the multiple meanings of many words in common use. They do NOT mean the same thing to those who are creating their own power as they mean to those with more traditional, ethical and benign understanding of traditional definitions. One might call them “code” words, as they denote a place where future amendments will lead to an outcome naive and trusting people aren’t able to imagine. History and the state of most countries in this world right now give us a clear picture of where this is heading. Apparently very few know or care or refuse to see reality, choosing to avoid being identified as a conspiracist or by some other epithet. We must take the time to understand what is happening to us and avoid succumbing to more of the extraordinary mind control being successfully implemented against the US population..
A couple of other phrases are red flags, including “related disabilities,” not defined clearly, leaving them open to re-interpretation or re-definition. “Mental health” has been, even in the US, used to describe the mental state of political opponents or those who may be targeted and treated in ways none of us want to imagine or acknowledge did or could occur.
It is heart-breaking, as a former special educator, to see the “disabled” population and its needs used as a basis for creating and implementing dangerous universal and intrusive programs, departments, and techniques for “services” (controls) that are not appropriate for the general population. This is already prevalent in our education system.
Obviously, S2 is a horrific extension of state government bureaucracy and power. But more than this, it places its parameters under totalitarian federal laws related to its designated areas of function. This puts South Carolina further at risk of tyrannical control by an already errant federal government, which will not change much despite the ostensible change of the administrative political party. The data sharing capabilities in this bill alone inflict intrusions into personal privacy. This bill will infringe extensively on personal freedom and security.
Overall, S2 provides a blueprint for tyranny in both the medical and psychological spheres, particularly if H3613 is enacted. It is a platform for future amendments to “consolidate” power over medical freedom, people’s health choices, and control of whether they live or die—eventually maybe even who will live or die. We can accept this reality and pretend this is somehow a good idea. Or stop this bill. For any “need” that exists in dealing with any cognitive or mental issues today, a very different plan needs to be proposed, carefully vetted and publicized before another law, is enacted, especially without presenting its true parameters to the people. This would be a tremendous task, but it must be done before it is too late.
It seems most of the populace and legislators are willing to go along with just about anything. If a bill is lengthy enough they don’t read it carefully, if at all. They succumb to fear-mongering, accepting whatever they are told is imperative for the greater good, and ignoring that it takes away responsibilities and choices from families and individuals. People think they are getting out of financial costs, personal sacrifice, and what used to be risks and responsibilities that were part of natural family and societal life. They seem to believe it is better to transfer responsibility and power to the government to “provide” for and take over these responsibilities at taxpayer expense. We will all pay a high price for this compliance with tyranny.
Closing thoughts. Are there no other options? Why is this this kind of response codified into law? Is it the “final solution.” One might wonder when they plan to use these powers. Does someone know something not being shared with the public? How much open discussion will there be of other options and solutions to problems we may face in the future? We can do better than S2. Read this bill—NOW.
It is time people stopped trusting their elected officials and believing they are looking out for our best interests. We must learn not to fear the fabrication or even the implementation of an “emergency” response to a threat, but to fear the the government and perpetrators taking such complete control of our lives. If this article strikes you like someone’s paranoia or hysteria, read S2.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not constitute legal or professional advice. ConservaTruth assumes no liability for any actions taken based on this content. Read more.
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