Rarely recognized, the proliferation of laws at a most alarming rate, especially at the state level, is perhaps the greatest threat before us. The rapid creation and multiplication of laws impacting every facet of society is taking the unstable results of decades of cultural and social engineering and codifying too many undesirable changes into detailed and tyrannical laws. As evidenced by the 2024 presidential election, it is clear that most Americans don’t like where our country is headed. However, almost no one is seeing that our legislatures may be the most dangerous threat to our future. They are taking undesirable changes we don’t want and codifying them into law. “We, the people” must take more direct control and interrupt this frantic and dangerous activity.
Today’s laws are the powerful controls upon society, significantly influencing or controlling natural rights to the benefits of freedom, personal responsibility, and healthy activities of human existence. Laws must be limited, ethical, absolutely necessary and justifiable, and subject to review and questioning by every citizen. Otherwise they will define every action, take away personal freedom, undermine individual responsibility, and create a tyrannical control mechanism to shape people’s lives. They have accomplished this already. The police power of the state is a terrifying force to oppose. Yet we must stop the increase of this power.
Laws can and do change how people behave, think, and implement sound values and guidelines for living together in a mutually beneficial, safe society. As soon as laws multiply and increase in scope, serving (as they already do) the purposes of a secular government establishment (instead of the good of the people), essential components of human behavior and interaction become implacably altered. To think otherwise, as if laws are some kind of objective rules without rippling impacts, is naive at best. At worst it is dangerous. Somehow we seem to have become confused.
Unfortunately lawyers and legislators, in particular, seem to have a different view. Under their guidance government has increased control of our lives. The “expertise” they supposedly have, beyond that of the common man, convinces many people to trust them. They appear to think they are appointed to be the creators and arbiters of too many laws under which people must live. This is a bit absurd when it is common knowledge that very few legislators create the bills they enact into law, bills are subject to hasty and sometimes dangerous amendments during the “legislative process,” and few state legislators actually have a broad enough knowledge base to know much of anything about most bills presented during the legislative session. It might be reasonably suggested they should be listening carefully to input from concerned citizens who might have very solid understanding and perspective on the implications of a given law—particularly when the citizen has read and carefully critiqued the bill in its entirety.
Laws have far-ranging and "existential" consequences, not just upon human behavior and interactions, but on the very values, fabric, and extent of control of society and every human being in every way. They are far more than simple tools for demanding government compliance or instructions on how behavior and interactions should be created and applied. Laws can and do change how people behave, think, and develop values and guidelines for living. If they do not directly cause the aforementioned changes, they empower institutions that do. As soon as natural human behavior becomes (as it already is), controlled, defined, and determined by a secular government and its decrees, essential components of human behavior and interaction become implacably altered. To think otherwise, as if laws are some kind of objective rules without rippling impacts, is naive at best. At worst it is dangerous.
LAWS SHAPE SOCIETY. Laws are unnatural, man-made "instructions" and frameworks, often reactive in nature, creating parameters within which people are supposed to act--with clear instructions on how to conduct carefully defined "legal" activities, as well as penalties for breaking the limits. Laws often include instructions and definitions regarding how they are supposed to be interpreted, applied, and consequences if they are not obeyed. If people have to or want to obey all these laws (a growing number of which do and will continue to negate and distort God's laws) and live by the rules they get from government, well, their choice. However, this author defies anyone, including any legislator, to concisely present in some kind of useful form, i.e. a guide, to explain all the specific laws “on the books” already so the people may understand what we are allowed to do and not do.
It is easy to get caught up in the notion that laws have a function, they stabilize society and human interactions, they are protective and necessary for safety and security, they are the bedrock of our governance, they should be revered, etc. Associated with this misunderstanding is the reverence, reliance upon, trust in, and support of those who “represent” us in our legislatures. Most people want to feel that once they have voted, their interests will be protected (if “their” candidate was elected), and they can go about their business unconcerned.
For at least the past 75 years, social, cultural, spiritual, educational, economic, monetary, medical, ethical, moral, entertainment, media and communication changes, to name just some, have occurred. We have been well-conditioned to call this “progress.” Undeniably some causes of these changes in human behavior, thinking, values, and lives are the result of natural activities, migrations of people both individually and as groups, an increasing population, “scientific” advances in every field, and other reasons that might be seen as “natural.” However, a great deal of change, and certainly the direction these changes have taken us, are inordinately influenced by planned agendas, activities, policies, and subtle manipulation of our institutions and thinking that has been subversively carried out by change agents in our society in every area.
We must recognize what has been happening for the last 60 years. The above areas and more are not being simply subtly “engineered” any more. People have compliantly accepted far more changes than are safe to accept. And now, laws have become the tools by which these devastating changes are codified into law, giving the police power of the state extraordinary control over more and more aspects of every person’s life. Freedom and responsibility are being snuffed out before our eyes, as most of us look away, content to frantically grab up and enjoy the disappearing freedom and comfort in which we live. WAKE UP, PEOPLE! PLEASE!!
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