Six simple question words can provide an amazing framework for a critical understanding of the true nature and purpose of any piece of proposed or already codified legislation. These simple question words are WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, and HOW.
These simple words are relevant to a bill’s origin, it’s ultimate goal, identifying red herrings versus real intent or purpose, what is necessary for the bill to be implemented, unanswered questions regarding the regulations, frameworks, and details of what is implied or required by a bill—to which it may be impossible to get clarification within the body of the bill itself, and other features that are not easily discerned without some structured analysis.
The following list and brief descriptors for using these question words offers just a short list of suggestions. Their utility should be explored in depth when critiquing any single piece of dangerous legislation (that would be almost all legislation, excluding perhaps some resolutions). Give your brain time to think about what you read. Don’t be discouraged if at first the bill seems too confusing. Little “Ah hah” moments will come. Don’t be afraid to think “outside the box.” Laws are dangerous.
Who actually wrote the bill? Too often not obvious. Very few bills are written by their sponsors; templates often come from sources outside the state, think tanks, globalists, beneficiaries, lobbying groups, etc.
Sponsors. Not necessarily a good indication of a bill’s intent. A peer-pressured, buddy group may be requiring compliance, even to the point of eliminating the need for legislators themselves to read anything beyond the bill’s propaganda—not the bill itself.
Who is targeted? Are there special interest groups?
Who has power in this bill? A government agency, the people, taxpayers, law enforcement, a single appointed “czar,” or an undisclosed entity?
Who will implement any action items in this bill?
Who benefits?
Who pays?
Who is really driving the bill? Is it like bills in other states? Why might that be?
Whose best interests does this bill meet? The people, the State, the globalists, the rich and powerful, identified groups, unknown?
What is the bill about?
Does it deal with a new topic or expand an already identified area of “need” for government intervention and control?
What is its area and scope of control?
What does it change from what is already in place?
What does it add?
What is needed for the bill’s implementation? Compliance of the people, extensive infrastructure development, planned physical locations, teams of people with particular skills or responsibilities, more funding, compliance with federal edicts and laws, something else?
What could be possible outcomes? Chaos, loss of freedom, unintended consequences, etc.?
What kinds of consequences could it have? Remember the lockdowns.
When does this bill go into effect?
When was the idea first introduced, either through cultural engineering, in the media, political arena, or earlier law?
Does this bill “update” an earlier bill?
When and how has it been amended? This is a big challenge, as amendments allow for astonishing changes in the direction, force, and nature of bills as they journey through the legislative process.
Will it “sunset” or go on forever?
Where will it be implemented? In workplaces, schools, people’s homes or their locations, businesses, on the beach, in waterways, in parks, etc.?
In Columbia?
Locally? Does it infringe on individual rights, home rule, or local control?
Does it require moving people, impacting where they live, work or may be placed—particularly during a state “emergency?”
Where else does this type of bill appear? Does it duplicate laws already in place or proposed in SC or other states right about now?
How much will it cost—initiation, construction, implementation, and continuing operation?
How will required procedures be implemented?
As appropriate, what choices are offered to those who would like to “opt-out” or choose another option?
Is there only one choice?
Does the bill or law require universal compliance?
Does it remove alternatives for achieving the same goal?
How will it be enforced? Will there be penalties, alternatives, overreach of government power?
Does it relate to or complement other laws in place or other related bills being introduced?
Is it in conflict with the Constitution—of South Carolina or the United States?
Why is this bill introduced now?
Does it deal with a real problem—or one that might happen or be planned to happen?
Is it in response to some underlying driving force—fear, preparedness, control?
Why does we need another law?
Why doesn’t the bill include repeal of something else?
Why would similar bills be appearing all over the US concurrently?

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