In this very cleverly presented medical “freedom” bill, we see the potential for a very dangerous outcome. Let’s take a look at the beginning and contrast it with the actual content and ending. This may be the fall-back in case S2 has to be split into two bills.
S54 starts with a very encouraging title, “Medical Informed Consent.” The title suggests S54 should be welcomed by those who, correctly, see the next step in a long-term Malthusian and pharmacological death spiral implanted in South Carolina law about 2002. Those recognizing what is going on are concerned about keeping their own choice, freedom and autonomy over their own bodies and ALL medically related or associated decisions. However, there is a remarkable disconnect between the title of this bill and the institution of emergency powers it codifies.
It is essential to read this bill to see just how much “medical informed consent” actually is going to be allowed. If this bill passes as is, the “informed consent” will be strictly limited to vaccination, and no “informed consent” is applicable in any other part of this bill. In effect, the “informed consent” promise is a distraction from what is planned for the population. Those reading the title have no idea of what our government is going to do at some point. To understand the serious limitations of informed consent, see “Section 8. Section 44-4-520 of the S.C. Code is amended to read.” Anyone thinking this bill is going to protect people from the danger of the planned response to a “declared emergency” needs to rethink exactly what is going on. This bill in its entirety sounds more like an effort to placate the opposition to a health dictatorship than provide real medical freedom. Please read on to see an example (there are many others) where “informed consent” does not apply.
It should be of great concern that much of this bill was also outlined in S2. Why is there such a focus on public health emergency response at this time? Is what is coming something natural to the evolution of man and man’s activities on this earth? Is it possible that these efforts are part of and fit in perfectly as the end goal of a plan, or a back-up, for the expected opportunity for dangerous powers to cause disruption at some critical time? Such a plan as outlined in S2 and S54 will allow the takeover of our daily lives through terrorizing the population and then controlling our activities—to the point of isolating and/or quarantining masses of people involuntarily. Vaccines will become almost irrelevant.
Oops! Where did “involuntarily” come from? This bill is about “medical informed consent.” Or is it?
A quick bit of history. Some of us began seeking more natural practices and remedies to maintain healthy bodies and avoid drugs decades ago. A pivotal book appeared in 1979 entitled CONFESSIONS OF A MEDICAL HERETIC, authored by Robert Mendelsohn, MD. This prescient book alerted many to the potential dangers of an increasingly influential, powerful, and money-driven cabal of drug pushers—pushing legal and “beneficial” “medications.” It touches upon dangers of the growing medical establishment (in the 1970s), which has since increasingly turned toward chemical management in lieu of health care. Skipping ahead, in about 2002, preparations for the plandemics to come began to clearly appear in South Carolina law. These government controlled responses have been decades in the planning and are now at the operational stage.
Moving on to 2020 and the Covid experiment. A surprising (thank goodness) number of people intuitively sensed something was very wrong, and it wasn’t the magnitude or seriousness of the covid illnesses. There was a problem, whatever its origin, that enabled the “powers that be” to use this event to assess the compliance level of literally the world in response to the “proper” stimulus—a type of event that had been carefully designed. They also have carefully assessed the backlash and resistance problem, which may be skillfully muted by S54. The populace had been “groomed” for such an occurrence for decades, unknowingly, by the careful creation of a mindset in the populace leading to dependence on drugs, fear of disease, and misinformation about how to prevent, resist, and cope with illness.
It is possible that the Covid pandemic “had” to be implemented due to the political climate in 2020. Regardless of that factor, a plan is moving forward now at warp speed as legislatures all over this country are putting in place strategies for responding quickly and decisively to a repeat, probably with a more dangerous bioweapon accompanied by careful and more sophisticated terror tactics.
We must take a look at the conflict in this bill. The title is “Medical Informed Consent.” However, read on to Section 6. In Section 44-4-130 proceed to definition (O). “‘Isolation’and ‘quarantine’ mean the compulsory [what about informed CONSENT?] physical separation (including the restriction of movement or confinement) of individuals and /or groups believed [on what basis/by whom] to have been exposed to or known to have been infected with a contagious disease from individuals who are believed not to have been exposed to others; if the context so requires [according to whom/by what criteria?] ‘quarantine’ means compulsory [we’ve forgotten about “informed consent”] physical separation, including restriction of movement, of populations or groups [not even on an individual basis] of healthy people who have been potentially exposed to a contagious disease, or to efforts to segregate these persons within specified geographic [geographic—like concentration camps?] areas. This is terrifying. Who decides what constitutes “exposure?” Walking outside without a mask?
Read on just a short way to Section 7. “Section 44-4-510 of the S.C. Code is amended to read: Section 44-4-510. (A)…(2) The department may isolate or quarantine, pursuant to the sections of this act and its existing powers under Section 44-1-140, any symptomatic person or person who has been exposed to the contagious disease for which the public health emergency has been declared whose refusal [what about informed CONSENT?] of physical examination or testing results in uncertainty regarding whether he is infected with the contagious disease. (3) An exposed person should not be released from quarantine due to a normal physical examination or test results, but should remain in quarantine until the end of the incubation period. Once a person develops symptoms in quarantine [because they were quarantined with sick people?], as provided in Section 44-4-530(B((5), they [interesting pronoun for “a person”] must be removed to isolation. If they refuse testing or examination, then the isolation period may be affected.”
What happened to “informed consent?” It seems to have “gone out the window.” What kind of disease (or other biological threat do they expect or plan to release anyway? “Health care agents” are being given extraordinary power to make decisions irrespective of the “consent” of the individual. Have we really “progressed” so far in our fear and compliance that we will be so easily overwhelmed by those posing as arbiters and controllers of our medical freedom? Are we going to allow this kind of draconian control to be implemented? Or, in contrast, has the psychological manipulation of people’s fears and thoughts been so well-done (yes) that the majority will not only comply with such measures, but quickly and aggressively be willing to turn in and turn on their neighbors, friends and family?
There are many reasons to be very disturbed about the direction of this bill. However, this writer believes that ultimate control and destruction of opposition, and especially any expressions using the right to free speech, are the real goals and a very present danger. Those in the medical field who may be supporting or helped create this bill are either very naive or are not anyone’s friends. There is an agenda, and this bill is essential to it.
How about letting people ask their government if they want to be protected? Such life-altering actions must not be left to the discretion of the kind of government powers controlling us today.
Most people think what is written above could never happen in these United States. However, we are sometimes reminded today that such sentiments have been seen in the world in places where the unthinkable has happened, as in very specific references to areas pre-World War II. We must not allow ourselves to be set up for the unthinkable.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not constitute legal or professional advice. ConservaTruth assumes no liability for any actions taken based on this content. Read more.
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